Robert Jones, The Man Whore, was born in New York on March 4th 1990. This 14 year old has gotta be the model that brags
the most. But anyways, Rob grew very popular, as he sais.
"I was probably the hottest guy in school, I had every girl that I wanted" Said the lil bragger!
So like he said, He was the hottest, and had any gurl he wanted. He loved to show off, espeacialy when he started working
out. Everyday he would take off his shirt and say "Check me out", but people got ennoyed with his braggin.
"All the kids loved me, well I think anyways. And I don`t know why but every girl that I had, they would leave me
by the end of the week. But it didnt really matter I had a new one each week lmao, and it felt good too, I felt like I was
god" Lil Bragger kept braggin!
But when he went through all the girls in his school, no one ever wanted to date him. So he began to work out more and
started to brag even more, without noticing that braggin was the problem. But anyways he wanted the girls to noctice how hot
he was again so he decided to put poster all over the school with pictures of him. But still no one wanted him, so he
had enough! He got out of that school, and entered modeling!
"If the chicks at muh school didn`t want me, what was I suppost to do, that`s when it hit me, why make pictures
for my school to see and throw out, when I can show off to the world, and ever since that day Im know to be the sexiest man
alive!" Robert Still kept braggin!