Daniel Mutt, The "Pimpin-Shorty" was born in Ontario, April 2nd, 1990. Unlike the other models, Daniel`s dream was to
be a pro-skaterboarder, and he was almost at that stage too.
"I was the best skate-boarder in my town, then became the best in my province. In 2002, I was known to be the youngest
kid to enter the x-games, I had it all, I actually thought that`s what I was going to do for the rest of muh life." Pimpin-Shorty Told us.
Dan had it all, like he said, he was getting so good at skaterboarding, that reporters started taking picture of him,
puting him on skaterboarding magasines. But sumer of 2003, Daniel went for a bike ride, when a car hit it from the waste down.
He was in the hospital for 1 weeks, and with a broken leg he could`nt continue skateboarding. Of coarse, the reporters still
wanted pictures of him, he was still the star on skaterboarding magasines.
Sadly, 4 months later As Daniel thought he recovered, the doctor said that the accident has wrecked his
leg and can no longer skateboard. But he was still able to walk, just had pains alot of times! He was no longer on magasines
but after the world seen him thank to his skateboarding, including 100s of magasins companys, Daniel was offered to be a model.
" I hated the fact that i couldnt skaterboard, I really did, but I guess that the modeling offer was probably
the only thing that was gonna keep my face all over the world lol" Pimpin-Shorty Added!